Keywords: housing construction, housing fund, housing policy, recovery, economy, natural environment


The article reveals the key perspectives of war and post-war reconstruction of housing construction in Ukraine. It was determined that as of September 2022, the total amount of direct documented damage to residential and non-residential real estate objects and other infrastructure in Ukraine amounted to more than 127 billion US dollars, with housing funds accounting for the largest share, namely 39.7% or 50.5 billion US dollars in total losses. It has been established that the housing construction market in regions where there are no active hostilities is deeply studying the prospects and opportunities for resuming work. It was found that the problem of lack of funds is the basis of the restoration of housing construction, in addition, there is currently no single mechanism for compensation for damages caused to the state, economy and citizens as a result of Russian aggression, which also applies to the housing problem. It is established that new construction and restoration must be carried out in accordance with the principles of people-oriented, social and physical inclusion, gender-sensitive and transit design. In addition to the issue of resuming housing construction, one of the most important issues in Ukraine today is the resumption of monitoring of the state of the natural environment. It was determined that the restoration of the housing stock is accompanied by the renewal of water and heat supply systems and other means of communication, barrier-free transport and infrastructure. One of the main risks of reconstruction is the repeated destruction of newly built houses and public infrastructure. In order to correctly plan the repair of the house, information about the needs and capabilities of future residents, the state of infrastructure destruction and the potential cost of restoration is necessary. War complicates data collection and analysis and limits the ability to plan for the future. Therefore, the first step in residential construction should be an inspection of the damaged inventory to assess the damage. It will show how many houses cannot be restored and how many can be repaired. It is also worth conducting a comprehensive study of the housing stock in order to better understand what types of housing are available in Ukraine and what they will be used for.


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How to Cite
Chernova, I., Emelianova, O., & Honcharenko, A. (2022). PROSPECTS OF RESTORATION OF RESIDENTIAL BUILDING IN WAR AND POST-WAR TIMES. Economy and Society, (44).

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