The article is devoted to the study of theoretical and practical aspects of social school entrepreneurship and prospects for its development in Ukraine. Approaches to the definition of "social entrepreneurship" and "social school entrepreneurship" in scientific sources were analyzed. It was emphasized that social school entrepreneurship as a form of realization of the entrepreneurial abilities of young people to solve social problems of society, gives an opportunity not only to implement a business idea but also forms the social responsibility of young people. The experience that testifies to the relevance of this form and its importance for society was analyzed in Germany, Norway, Great Britain, and other countries. It was noted that in foreign experience, school entrepreneurship does not necessarily have a social component - the main idea of its implementation is aimed at forming entrepreneurial skills among students. The experience of the most successful projects of social-scale entrepreneurship in Ukraine was summarized and optimal models of the functioning of this form from a legal side were given. The advantages and disadvantages (problem areas) of implementing social school entrepreneurship at the national level and the need for the legal regulation of social entrepreneurship were highlighted. It was emphasized that for Ukraine this form is new, but promising and allows for solving social problems of society precisely by business methods. It was concluded that thanks to the active development of social school entrepreneurship, society, its institutes, educational institutions, local government bodies, and the state will be able to become more effective. Since the role and scope of opportunities of social school entrepreneurship as a phenomenon in the socio-economic development of the country are not yet fully understood by society, the urgent task is to increase awareness of its positive role. And at the current stage, social school entrepreneurship is also able to help young people adapt and realize themselves for the benefit of society in difficult war times and in the post-war period.
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