Keywords: trade, business entity, turnover, product, competitor, trading area


The article examines the theoretical aspect of the economic concept of "trade", as well as the current state of trade in Ukraine at the macro level. It was determined that trade is primarily a type of economic activity, the basis of which is the purchase and sale of goods. The study made it possible to identify the main directions and trends of the industry development during 2017-2021. It is proved that despite the thorough research of the theoretical and methodological foundations, the question of the development of trade, as a structural branch of the economy, remains neglected in the conditions of martial law. In addition, statistical data confirming this were summarized and systematized, the indicators of retail and wholesale trade in Ukraine during 2017-2021 were considered, and a ten-letter rating among food operators in Ukraine by total sales area was given. It has been established that the sphere of trade is structural in the domestic economy. The statistical data confirming this have been summarized and systematized, the indicators of retail and wholesale trade in Ukraine have been considered, and the rating of ten letters among food operators of Ukraine by the total sales area has been given. Particular attention is paid in the article to the identification of problems that arose in connection with the military aggression of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine. Among them, the following are highlighted: problems with logistics; difficulties in supplying goods; reduction in demand; lack of personnel; limited financial resources; lack of investment and damage caused by military actions. In order to create conditions for the reconstruction of trade in the post-war period, it is suggested to pay attention to the following areas of work: compensation for losses for lost property, payment of compensations; further resumption of shops in safe areas. The main directions of the state policy in terms of trade regulation have been defined and recommendations regarding its main tasks have been formulated. In this context, such directions as the development of a competitive environment and the overcoming of monopoly in the trade market and the stimulation of the promotion of the goods of domestic manufacturers are proposed.


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