Keywords: tourist potential, tourist resources, tourist flows, tourist trips


The article is devoted to the analysis of the city of the Kingdom of Spain on the tourist market of Ukraine. The analysis is based on the analysis of statistical data.Based on the data, conclusions are drawn regarding the use of Spain's experience by Ukraine itself. A large number of tour operators offer tours to Spain. These are mainly cultural and educational tours, as the country has quite exquisite ancient architecture of past centuries. Tourism in Spain is developing as a system that pays full attention to getting to know the country's culture, its spiritual and religious values, customs, etc. And it has a lot of income from tourism. Tourist resource potential is a combination of historical, cultural and natural objects, socio-economic and technological requirements for the organization of tourist use of a certain territory. Tourist potential includes tourist resources as a publicly available part of the tourist offer. The evaluation of tourist resources is divided into types: social, natural, event, technological, which have their own structure. In almost every region of Spain there are historical and cultural monuments, some of the monuments were built before our era, modern art museums that focus on the paintings of Spanish artists, archeological museums where you can find many exhibits from different eras, as well as Spanish colonies. In 2021, the number of tourists from different countries who stayed in ecological hotels was recorded. Tourists from France 649 thousand people, Germany 206.5 thousand people, Great Britain 550.7 thousand people, Italy 460 thousand people, Ukraine 120 thousand people. Spain occupies a leading position in terms of tourist flows, because it has a large set of socio-economic and historical conditions that are necessary for international tourism. One of the largest influxes of tourists will be precisely in the island parts, the south and south-eastern regions of the country. The central part of Spain is characterized by an average level of provision of recreational and tourist resources. The country is a member of many international organizations: UN, NATO, EU.


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How to Cite
Yudina, Y. O., Bogorodytska, G., & Malenok, A. (2022). PERSPECTIVES OF SPAIN APPEARS AT TOURISM MARKET OF UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (43).