Keywords: excise tax, excise products (goods), excise tax rate, tax administration


The article analyzes the role of excise tax administration in the conditions of martial law and the difficult socio-economic situation in Ukraine. In accordance with the tax legislation, the concept of "administration" is highlighted, its interpretation is considered, both from the state's position and according to the opinions of domestic scientists and researchers. The majority of scientists in their scientific heritage identify the concept of "administration" with the concept of "management". The excise tax administration process and its main components are considered. Positive and negative factors and factors that significantly affect the functioning of the excise tax administration system are identified. The analysis was carried out and the dynamics of revenues and the share of the excise tax in the tax revenues and revenues of the state budget of Ukraine during 2016–2021 were analyzed, with the help of which it is possible to follow the periods in which the excise tax showed its fiscal effectiveness better. The structure of excise tax revenues by groups of excisable goods (products) for 2016–2021 has been developed as a percentage. According to which it is determined which category of products (goods) brings more tax revenue to the country's budget, and which is less profitable. Based on profitability indicators, conclusions are drawn regarding factors that directly or indirectly affect them. In order to make sure that the excise tax fulfills the planned indicators set for it by the state, the dynamics of the implementation of the plan was calculated based on the tax revenues of the excise tax during the years 2016–2021. In accordance with the current situation in the country, it is assumed that raising rates on excise products (goods) will negatively affect the revenue part of the state budget. It is recommended to observe not only the fiscal interests of the state in the process of administering the excise tax, but also to involve the opinion of various types of business subjects in order to take into account the positions of those and other stakeholders. Thus, the excise tax administration system will become more flexible and efficient.


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How to Cite
Tuchak, T., & Sheiko, N. (2022). ADMINISTRATION OF EXCISE TAX IN THE CONTEXT OF ITS FISCAL EFFICIENCY. Economy and Society, (43).