Keywords: automation, business processes, restaurants, hospitality industry, management system


Global trends in economic and social development clearly demonstrate that the introduction of automation technologies into any sphere of human activity, society, the process is not only important and necessary, but also extremely relevant. The article analyzes and summarizes theoretical developments and examples of practical application of the formation and development of the concept of automation in the restaurant business. Automation technologies in the restaurant business were studied. The management structure and types of activities of restaurant establishments were studied. Business processes used in restaurants are analyzed. The main tasks of automation of service processes are defined. Proposals and recommendations for increasing the efficiency of the implementation of automation technologies in the restaurant business are provided. Automation increases reliability, saves money and increases efficiency. To summarize the pros and cons of an automated restaurant, business owners are replacing manual processes with automated ones to increase profits, improve branding, save money and reduce workload. Self-service checkouts, employee training programs, and digital menus are examples of automation in the restaurant business. Automated solutions reduce communication, are difficult to use, cannot always solve complex problems, and require extensive research with capital. Business owners try to use various innovative tools, investing in the costs of their implementation. Like many other industries, the restaurant industry continues to actively invest in the automation of its activities in order to reduce costs and save resources. Today, many owners of restaurants are trying to replace the manual labor of their staff with more progressive, efficient technologies as much as possible. Implementation of automation tools gives restaurants a competitive advantage in difficult economic and market conditions. According to several studies, a fully automated restaurant reduces labor costs, minimizes other operating costs and increases profits. In addition, restaurants improve the customer experience when they offer customers self-service and intuitive ways to order food delivery services. Regardless of how a restaurant implements an automated solution, automation tends to increase profits, save money, and enhance the brand.


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How to Cite
Kamushkov, O., Zhylko, O., & Nezveshchuk-Kohut, T. (2022). MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AUTOMATION TECHNOLOGIES IN RESTAURANT ESTABLISHMENTS. Economy and Society, (43).