Keywords: methods of adoption management decision, methods of game theory, methods of theory of statistical decision, expert methods, activation methods, heuristic methods


The purpose of the article is to deepen the theoretical and methodological foundations and develop recommendations for the use of methods of adoption management decision in conditions of insufficient information to ensure the adaptation and stabilization of enterprise activities in modern operating conditions. At all levels of the economic system, there is an increased level of risk, and the choice of strategies within the limits of entrepreneurial activity requires a deepening of the base of scientifically based methods of adoption management decision in conditions of insufficient information and a high level of uncertainty. That is why the chosen research topic is particularly relevant in modern realities. During the research, the following general scientific methods were used: analysis during the study of scientists' achievements; deduction when developing a structure and writing conclusions; induction when presenting one's own judgments in the work; concrete-scientific methods: abstract-logical when constructing the structure of the work and its conclusions; a monographic method, a method of logical-structural analysis when presenting the main research material. The classification of management decision-making methods according to the degree of available information is carried out. There are 3 groups of methods according to the degree of awareness: in conditions of sufficient information, in conditions of probably sufficient information, in conditions of insufficient information. The study of methods used in conditions of insufficient information is deepened: the characteristics and features of game theory methods, statistical decision theory methods, expert methods, activation methods, and heuristic methods are provided. It was determined that expert methods and activation methods originate from heuristic methods and are closely related to each other. It was concluded that for effective decision-making in conditions of insufficient information, it is necessary to apply a comprehensive approach to solving the problem. The simultaneous use of methods related to different groups provides a higher probability of making the right decision, choosing the optimal strategy and generally contributes to the stabilization of the market activity of economic entities, which ensures the practical value of the conducted research.


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How to Cite
Levina-Kostiuk, M., Melnichuk, O., & Telichko, N. (2022). METHODS OF ADOPTION MANAGEMENT DECISIONS IN THE CONDITIONS OF INSUFFICIENT INFORMATION. Economy and Society, (43).