The article is devoted to the study of self-motivation methods and their importance for increasing the efficiency of a manager's activities. The essence of the concept of self-motivation is revealed, as a form of satisfaction of one's own needs and achievement of values independently adopted by a social subject, which involves a rational understanding and evaluation of oneself by a person. It was determined that one of the main properties of managers' self-motivation is the formation of a special socio-psychological state of a person's inclusion in the process of the organization's activity and interest in its results. It is noted that its consequence is not only the final indicators of the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization's activity (labor productivity, profitability, volume of sales or production), but also its acquisition of additional competitive advantages of a high order, which ensure sustainability for a long time. The necessary conditions for self-motivation and the algorithm for its implementation are defined. A number of methods of self-motivation of managers are singled out: «to the stars», «horror movie», conscious choice, effect of urgency, «sword of Damocles», success diary, reframing, «pie of time», «anchoring», «wheel of life», «сarrot and stick». Their content, advantages and disadvantages are revealed, and a thorough description is given. The main attention is paid to the fact that self-motivation is a complex multi-level regulator of a person's life, as an «alloy» of the driving forces of his behavior and activity. It is emphasized that it is a personal arbitrary process of managing one's own activity, which is systematically carried out by a person on the basis of understanding the current and desired state of affairs in a specific situation. It was concluded that when implementing any of the methods of self-motivation, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the same method can have an absolutely opposite effect on different categories of managers, depending on their subjective perception of reality, the company's goals and mission, their own goals, an idea of one's future, temperament, etc. It is clarified that in practice it is necessary to apply various methods of self-motivation in their relationship and choose those that allow taking into account individual characteristics and are the most effective for a specific person.
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