Keywords: business promotion, social media, SMM strategy, content marketing, performance metrics, communication management


The role of social media in the formation of SMM strategy of business is argued. A study of the main development trends and motives for using social networks by users was conducted. It was shown that social media is an effective tool for promoting business and improving marketing communications. The main arguments in favor of various social media expressed by users are considered. It has been proven that social media are an effective tool for achieving strategic goals and tactical tasks of the company in the field of marketing communications. A study of the level of engagement with content among brand followers in social media in various industries was conducted. The potential for business promotion in social media has been identified. It is shown that an effective SMM strategy requires setting goals and promotion tools in social media. The main metrics used to evaluate the effectiveness of marketing efforts in social media are identified. The effectiveness of business promotion in social media is measured and evaluated using a system of indicators of engagement, reach, and conversion. These indicators reflect the dynamics and intensity of reactions of social media users to published content, advertisements, image and communication activities. A practical study of the effectiveness of the use of social media was carried out on the example of sportswear brands. Recommendations are provided for improving business promotion in social media to improve followers’ engagement rates, as well as the formation and development of a digital marketing communications system. It shows that brands should pay more attention to qualitative, engaging content and improve communication policies in social media. Social Media Marketing provides companies with a number of competitive advantages, including increased brand awareness, improved image, increased brand trust and customer loyalty. Brand promotion activities on social media require a complex marketing effort aimed at increasing the number of followers and their level of engagement, which contributes to increasing sales and customer loyalty. A business promotion strategy in social media needs clearly established goals and justified tools and measures, as well as performance indicators.


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How to Cite
Mostova, A. (2022). EVALUATION OF THE EFFICIENCY OF BUSINESS PROMOTION IN SOCIAL MEDIA. Economy and Society, (43). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2022-43-27