Keywords: creative economy, creative industries, potential, creativity, politics, development


The article is devoted to topical issues of the development of creative industries of the EU. It was determined that a feature of the creative economy is its focus on people and their ideas. Emphasis is placed on the fact that in developed countries today the creative economy is developing faster than in countries with a transition economy in the context of the analysis of the creative industries of the EU. An assessment of the development of the creative economy in the developed countries of Europe was made. It was noted that in recent years there has been a significant increase in the development of the creative economy industry in Europe. Information on the export of goods of the creative economy of the EU during 2011-2020 is presented. The indicators of the global innovation index of developed European countries and Ukraine in the context of the development of their creative and innovative potential are presented. It is emphasized that the policy of the development of creative industries of the EU is currently determined by the main program of the European Commission for the support of the cultural and audiovisual sectors "Creative Europe". It is noted that Ukraine can also participate in this program based on the relevant Agreement signed in 2021. It was noted that during 2016-2020, Ukrainian representatives of the creative economy implemented 38 international projects in cooperation with 117 partner institutions from 29 European countries within the framework of the mentioned Program. The peculiarities of the development of the creative sphere in Ukraine during the last years have been characterized. Information on the export of goods of the creative economy of Ukraine during 2011-2020 is presented. It is argued that Ukraine has a great potential for leadership in the field of the creative economy, because the rate of growth of the creative economy in Ukraine of 10-20% per year is quite real. It is substantiated that the human resource of Ukrainians, which is characterized by their talent, ingenuity and high intelligence, is a confirmation of the possibilities of high rates of growth of creative industries in Ukraine.


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How to Cite
Smolinska, S., Hnatkovich, O., & Sych, O. (2022). EU CREATIVE INDUSTRIES DEVELOPMENT POLICY. Economy and Society, (43).

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