Keywords: transport enterprises, profit, logistics, sustainable development, innovation, strategy, project


The purpose of the study is to analyze the problematic issues of innovative development of transport enterprises of Ukraine. The transport industry is one of the main ones for the national economy. At the same time, its role is extremely serious and multifaceted, because it is a source of tax revenues for state and local budgets, a significant employer on the labor market, a key component of the service sector, and transport is the basis for the development of industry, agriculture (uniting numerous producers and consumers, the industry contributes to the formation of optimal logistics between them). The importance of transport increases in the context of the transition of most economically developed countries to the post-industrial model, which is characterized by the dominance of the service sector, to which the transport industry belongs. This explains the increased attention to the development of transport, the need to identify the problems of its functioning and search for ways of strategic development. The research methods used in the work are search in the available methodological and scientific literature with an analysis of the found material, clarification of cause and effect relationships, systematization, specification, analysis of documentation and results of the researchers' activities on the problem of the research. The article examines the subjective risks that arise in the process of creating innovations. The main factors of the low level of activity of innovative activities of transport enterprises are outlined. The factors influencing the development of innovative processes are specified. The essence and role of ecological innovations are described. Tasks that will ensure the dynamic implementation of innovative processes are also listed. The principles of state innovation policy are specified. As well as the areas of intensification of the innovative activity of domestic transport enterprises, among them are strengthening the preferential regime for enterprises that introduce innovations and engage in the production of innovative products; improvement of the crediting procedure for innovative activities of enterprises; stimulation of direct foreign investments; promoting the reorientation of foreign economic activity towards high-tech exports. The practical value of the article lies in the fact that effective directions have been formed that will help bring national transport enterprises to the level of advanced countries of the world.


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