Keywords: conflict, situation, types of conflicts, problem, tourist enterprise


The article examines the theoretical foundations of conflicts that occur at enterprises in the tourism industry. The role of conflict depends on how effectively it is managed. To manage conflict, we must understand the causes of conflict situations. For the most part, managers consider personal conflicts to be the main cause of conflict. However, the analysis shows that the blame often lies with other factors related to work processes, the inadequacy of modern production, the distribution of produced products and differences in interests. Managing a conflict situation requires determining the main types of conflicts, their causes and methods of resolution. The perception of a specific situation depends on the desire to achieve one or another goal. Instead of objectively assessing the situation, people may consider only what they believe is favorable to the group and their needs. Conflicts can have an explicit or hidden form. Open labor disputes often arise on a business basis and are characterized by a clear conflict between the parties – contempt. In a hidden conflict, there are no open acts of aggression between the parties. In a conflict situation, the subject and object of the dispute are potential participants in the conflict. The objective causes of conflicts can be conventionally grouped into several groups: limited resources for distribution; functional interdependence; differences in goals; differences in values, behavior and life experience are the most common causes of conflicts; unsatisfactory interaction; sudden changes of events. Prolonged and intense conflicts can lead to crisis situations and bring significant changes. A productive struggle, like a general struggle, goes through the stages of: birth, development, flowering and fading. At the initial stage, the conflict is hidden and develops on a psychological level, so it is often avoided or hidden. Among the symptoms of this condition are a high level of unemployment, a careless attitude to one's duties, the use of official means to avoid work, increased drunkenness, etc. Every manager is interested in resolving the conflict that has arisen in his company as soon as possible, because the consequences can lead to moral and material damage. This process can take place without his participation, by the parties, as well as with his active intervention and management.


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How to Cite
Oliinyk, O. (2022). CONFLICTS IN THE TOURISM FIELD: THEORETICAL ASPECT. Economy and Society, (42).