The purpose of this article is to summarize the theoretical aspects of the study of the relationship between the competitiveness of business structures and the product life cycle. The relevance of this topic is due to the fact that a single generally recognized methodology for managing the competitiveness of business structures, which would take into account all factors of the external and internal environment of technological entrepreneurship, especially high-tech industries and their products, corresponded to the modern concept of ensuring the continuity of innovation process management at all stages of the product life cycle, has not been developed. It is proved that it is advisable for business structures to apply systematic, comprehensive and regulatory approaches to managing competitive advantages and evaluating them in the context of stages of the innovation process and product life cycles. It is found out that in the system of ensuring the competitiveness of high-tech products of business structures, an important place should be occupied by the assessment of the competitiveness of products at different stages, from the stage of the origin of ideas, to the stage of implementation and maintenance, since competitiveness indicators change under the influence of both the external and internal environment. Practical implementation of the research results allowed us to establish that the underdevelopment of information infrastructure, lack of information about the state and behavior of objects and entities involved in the creation and operation of products of high-tech business structures at all stages of the life cycle, significant duplication of information, form barriers to managing competitiveness. Based on this, recommendations have been developed in the formation of a division of responsibility of divisions of high-tech business structures for competitiveness Management, which provide for the definition and systematization of the necessary information from various information resources, allow for the collection and exchange of information, both between divisions of high-tech business structures and consumers in order to manage competitiveness.
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