Keywords: ICT, digital economy, the Republic of Korea, index, e-government, digital infrastructure


The article is devoted to investigation the processes of public administration of the Republic of Korea and the results, which country obtained from the ICT integration into the state apparatus. It has been studied that the emergence of global Internet together with the innovative ICT, became the main imperative for the transition to the e-government. Crucial role in the transition from traditional to e-government was played by the Korean Government, having a clearly defined state digital development strategy, and at the same time understanding all benefits from such type of transformation. It has been proven, that e-government provides the follow benefits for both politicians and consumers of government services: increasing the effectiveness of the state organizations; minimization of the human influence factor which eradicates corruption; information exchange speed and its availability to the public; transparency and the quickness of decision-making management; involving citizens into state processes, using their suggestions and ideas. Having mature digital infrastructure and significant results in the pointed area, the Republic of Korea ranks the highest places in the major indices, which shows us the level of e-government development. Countries with high or very high EDGI values have a common characteristic: their institutions have advanced a systems-thinking approach to policymaking and service delivery by using information and communications technology to enhance operational linkages. Digital government transformation is fundamentally about governance transformation and cultural change in support of a country’s overall nation development vision and strategy and achievement of the sustainable development goals. Digital government transformation should aim at promoting digital inclusion and ensuring that all people can access new technologies to improve their well-being. It should put people first and revolve around their needs. Throughout the pandemic, Governments have shared information through their national portals mobile apps and social media platforms.


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