Keywords: marketing, policy, marketing mix, conversion, market, competitiveness


This work describes the process of marketing policy formation, and outlines the main theoretical aspects, such as definitions and main elements. Previous works of domestic and foreign scientists on the topic of competitiveness and marketing were also analyzed. The number of scientific articles, textbooks, research and fundamental works on this topic is extremely large, so it is safe to say that this issue is fully disclosed from all sides. The relevance of the research is determined by high competition in various markets, which necessitates the formation of an effective strategy for production and implementation, and the lack of a single scheme, due to a large number of theoretical studies and approaches. Also the rapid development of entrepreneurship and the opening of new markets gave impetus to the expansion of the spectrum of theoretical materials in various economic areas. Today, the concept of "marketing" has a fairly wide application with many different theoretical aspects. This is due to the fact that the number of resources and the number of people increases, and therefore new goods, services, products and enterprises appear, the production of which they provide. Thus, there is a need to update old methods and knowledge in accordance with new realities and trends. The purpose of the article is to describe the concept and develop an alternative basic scheme for the formation of marketing policy at the enterprise. The basis of the work is the description of the marketing policy management scheme. In this work, it is proposed to consider and generalize the concept of "marketing policy", with a description of its theoretical components and main elements of implementation in the context of the enterprise, to develop a basic model on which the enterprise could rely when forming its own marketing policy. The definition of ways and methods of solving the described problems are of a recommendatory and theoretical nature, the whole work in general has not only an applied but also an introductory nature and is understandable for people who do not know the terminology or do not have relevant scientific and professional degrees.


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How to Cite
Shevchuk, P., & Derhaliuk, B. (2022). FORMATION OF MARKETING POLICY IN MODERN ENTREPRENEURSHIP. Economy and Society, (42).