Keywords: consulting, operational consulting, small business, functions of operational consulting, classification of operational consulting, stages of operational consulting, problems of operational consulting


The article is devoted to the characteristics of operational consulting in the management system of small enterprises. The sphere of small entrepreneurship is quite dynamic; therefore, the active participation of consulting in their activities can have a significant impact on the economic development of the entire society. The development of small business takes place with variable success, therefore the availability of consulting and the use of consulting services will have a positive impact. Operational consulting at a small enterprise is a management activity aimed at assessing its state, business processes and strategy, with the aim of increasing the overall efficiency of operations. Operational consulting is related to the operational development of the enterprise and consists in increasing the efficiency of operational management, in particular, optimization of business processes, financial flows, quality management, personnel and costs. The main functions of operational consulting are described. Emphasis is placed on the expediency of classifying consulting services according to two main types: methodological and thematic. Because operational processes exist in all types of business activities and are the main structural element that helps enterprises to achieve significant success or, on the contrary, to fail. The article also classifies consulting services in the operational activities of a small enterprise. The main stages of operational consulting are summarized, the factors and problems that arise during operational consulting are highlighted. It also emphasizes that rational and properly organized operational processes can make a company incredibly successful, while incorrect processes can lead to confusion and disruption in its operations. This is especially important in modern conditions, since political and socio-economic instability lead to fluctuations in both the external environment of small business and its internal environment. Prospects for further research are the formation of an effective system of operational consulting at small enterprises, substantiation of directions for improvement of operational activity.


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How to Cite
Korobka, S. (2022). OPERATIONAL CONSULTING IN THE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OF A SMALL ENTERPRISE. Economy and Society, (42). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2022-42-12