The article reveals the essence, types and features of the formation of marketing strategies for the development of enterprises of the vegetable product sub-complex in modern market conditions. Research has established that the market for vegetable products in Ukraine is developing dynamically, but it is not yet saturated. With the use of advanced technologies and modern means of production, there is a positive trend towards an increase in the volume of vegetable production by agricultural enterprises, which will probably continue in the near future. It has been proven that one of the main restraining factors is the insufficient use of marketing techniques by the participants of the market of vegetable products, the obsolescence and inefficiency of its infrastructure, which determines the inefficient formation of supply and distribution of vegetable products. The conceptual basis of the general strategy for the modernization of the domestic vegetable sub-complex should provide a clear answer regarding the choice of a development paradigm. The research proved that the paradigm of development should be based, on the one hand, on the dichotomy of the choice between two basic possible development strategies – innovative and the so-called «catch-up development» strategy, and on the other hand, on the definition of a possible extensive and/or intensive growth path of the vegetable sub-complex and recognizing the possibility of combining a number of strategies as such, which do not contradict the goals and sources of development in the form of a variant of the intensification of the «catch-up development» strategy. It was determined that strategies can be differentiated by a number of indicators, primarily sources of accumulation, factors of competitiveness, expected projects at the expense of which the strategy will be implemented, as well as the nature of regulations. The key role of the modernization process is attributed to the strategy of institutional changes in the market content. The creation of a new institutional landscape cannot be a one-time act, that is, the time factor and periodization of the process will play a huge role.
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