The article is devoted to the research of the problem of introduction of organizational changes at the modern enterprise. One of the characteristic features of the enterprise in modern conditions is its existence in conditions of uncertainty and constant change. Approaches to the definition of "organizational change" are presented and systematized. The relationship between the stages of formation of the process of management of organizational change in the enterprise to ensure its competitiveness is substantiated. The principles of management of organizational changes at the enterprise are defined: system, complexity, integration, stimulation, efficiency, involvement of the personnel. Each stage of organizational change management consists of a set of elements (methods, tools and management tools) and is characterized by the ability to choose methods and directions of organizational change. Management functions (planning, organization, motivation and control) at certain stages of implementation of organizational changes provide influence on the objects of the internal environment to acquire the desired state, taking into account the influence of environmental factors by monitoring using forecasting methods. Emphasis is placed on the role and competencies of leaders who are the initiators of change. The functions of this role are not only to manage current affairs, but also to help employees adapt to the objectively emerging new conditions of the enterprise. The main directions of formation of the system of personnel motivation are revealed and effective measures to eliminate the reasons that hinder the implementation of organizational transformations are identified. In particular, the introduction of a staff training system. The necessity of introduction of the stage of the analysis of efficiency of organizational changes at the enterprise which should include criteria of an estimation of efficiency which would reflect internal and external activity is proved. These criteria should be characterized by the following properties: efficiency, economy, quality, profitability, quality of life, increase in profitability.
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