The article reveals the peculiarities of the influence of "dirty" money on the actions of behavioral finance subjects in the context of the reconstruction of the Ukrainian economy. At the same time, the experience of democratic countries in limiting the use of similar funds with the help of structures and instruments of the financial services market is taken into account. The tasks of the article are to find out the methods of laundering "dirty" money by certain entities of the financial market; the influence of illegal income on the behavior of individual behavioral finance subjects on the stock market in the conditions of reconstruction of the Ukrainian economy; taking into account the experience of democratic countries in limiting the use of "dirty" funds with the help of financial market structures and instruments. Illegally obtained income (or "dirty" funds) creates significant advantages for their owners when investing in stock market instruments, undermines the foundations of competition in this market. Therefore, when researching behavioral finance for countries with developing markets, it is important to pay special attention to this problem. The end of the "hot" phase of Russia's war against Ukraine and the beginning of the reconstruction of the Ukrainian economy with the help of international investments puts the order of the financial market of our country on the agenda so that it does not turn into a "laundry" for "dirty" money for some foreign and Ukrainian investors. In addition, these funds can worsen the conditions of fair competition for decent subjects of behavioral finance on the Ukrainian stock market. Therefore, it is already important to determine the means of prevention against the use of laundered "dirty" money during the reconstruction period in Ukraine. For this, it is important to use the experience of the leading countries of the world and international organizations on this issue. In addition, it is necessary at the state and local level to put obstacles to attract dirty investments to rebuild the economy of Ukraine on the principles of sustainable development.
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