The article considers crisis management as an integral element of a unified enterprise management system and is a system of measures aimed not only at overcoming the crisis, but also at preventing entry into such a situation, which is a prerequisite for successful financial recovery of enterprises. Unsustainable market environment requires constant diagnosis and implementation of special anti-crisis measures as a guarantee of successful operation of enterprises. The process of developing and using effective methods and forms of crisis management has become especially relevant in the context of the recession. Therefore, the topic of crisis management is relevant, because any organization that carries out commercial activities is in a constant transformation of the environment, both internal and external. Sometimes these changes contribute to "unfavorable conditions" for the business, which can eventually lead to the liquidation of the enterprise. The objectives of crisis management are timely detection of signs of crisis, identification of its depth, as well as, if necessary, development and implementation of a set of special measures aimed at preventing bankruptcy, localization of the crisis, restoring the viability of individual entities, creating conditions to prevent recurrence in future. A significant place in solving the problems of enterprises is occupied by the restructuring of the general system of their management. The organizational and economic mechanism of the enterprise in market conditions should begin to work on modern principles of management, which allow to integrate all types of resources for the maximum possible achievement of goals. The main principle of the management system should be the production of the right products at the right time and in the right quantity, and the goal - to reduce the cost of its production and increase competitiveness. Thus, crisis management solves the problem of ensuring economic growth of the enterprise, increasing its competitiveness, current management ensures continuity and synchronicity of all parts of the enterprise, aimed at fulfilling the established operational task.
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