The main aspects of the reengineering of business processes of HoReCa enterprises are studied. Attention is focused on the content, goals and advantages of reengineering. The aim of the work is to generalize the existing methodological approaches to the processes of business process reengineering and to justify the content, stages and format of the business process reengineering organization for HoReCa enterprises. The emphasis of the work is on the fact that the reengineering of business processes is an effective measure to ensure the further effective development of HoReCa enterprises. Reengineering is the basis of a radical change in the functioning of enterprises, ensuring significant competitive advantages and achieving an improvement in the financial condition. The author's definition of the concept of "reengineering business processes of HoReCa enterprises" is proposed. It is understood as a mechanism of fundamental improvement and optimization of the activities of enterprises, the action of which is aimed at qualitative restructuring of business processes, achieving significant changes and improving indicators of quality, level of costs, speed of service, and, therefore, increasing the competitiveness of enterprises of the hospitality industry. The article emphasizes that the reengineering of business processes is the embodiment of a complex program of transformations and fundamental restructuring of the functioning of enterprises. Its important components are: replacement of the existing management system with new effective concepts; development and implementation of improved business processes and their management methods; preliminary assessment of the acceptability of the riskiness of radical change projects. The article focuses on the use of information technologies during the reengineering of business processes. Moreover, not the technical automation of processes, but the creation of a corporate information system of all business processes is the key to the success of reengineering for HoReCa enterprises. The authors emphasize that the reengineering of business processes of HoReCa enterprises is a rather complex transformation mechanism. But it is precisely thanks to him that every enterprise in the field of hospitality is able to carry out qualitative improvement of its business processes. The practical value of the work lies in the study of organizational aspects of business process reengineering for HoReCa enterprises.
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