The article examines the analysis of problems and ways of increasing the efficiency of pricing at maritime transport enterprises that carry out transshipment and transportation of goods, passengers, which include ports and stevedore companies, ships, ship repair plants, research and other enterprises, institutions and organizations of various forms of ownership, which ensure the operation of sea transport. The purpose of the article is to conduct an analysis of pricing at the current stage of development of maritime transport enterprises and to identify ways of effective pricing to increase the competitiveness of enterprises and the efficiency of their work, as a result of the formation of prices for transport services. The influence of internal and external factors that directly affect the cost of transportation and port works is increasing rapidly, therefore it is urgent to develop such a mechanism that would continuously take into account all the negative effects of these factors and would clearly respond to certain changes in internal or external environment. In the course of the study, methods of analysis and synthesis were used – to determine the qualification of port tariffs; comparison and generalization – to identify the stages of determining the price attractiveness of maritime transport enterprises; factor modeling – to determine a set of indicators that affect the calculation of tariffs (free prices). The following results were obtained in this article: the classification of tariffs is given, which is proposed to be divided into two groups, namely free prices and state prices, the mechanism of pricing is proposed, the stages of its implementation and ways of implementation are described. The article analyzes pricing problems that have arisen in Ukrainian maritime transport enterprises and suggests the stages of pricing in maritime transport enterprises. Thus, it is possible to say that there is no universal method of price regulation for transport services, all methods should be used in a complex manner. Therefore, the task of modern scientists in the field of transport services can be the development of a universal method of pricing at enterprises, including maritime transport enterprises.
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