Keywords: environmental condition, public administration, regional management, local self-government, entrepreneurship, sustainable development


The article analyzes the ecological state on the example of the Sumy region, identifies the main problems, including those caused by the state of war and the deepening of the socio-economic crisis, and develops ways to overcome negative phenomena. It was determined that the environmental situation in Ukraine is quite tense today. The natural environment is constantly under the influence of many negative factors, which is complicated by military actions, destruction and negative impact on nature. It was determined that there are many problems with atmospheric emissions per capita, waste processing and disposal, and other negative phenomena that constitute a direct environmental hazard. It was concluded that achieving the goals of sustainable development is impossible without an in-depth study of each of its components and the development of recommendations for their improvement. It has been established that all environmental protection measures take place within the framework of state and regional development programs. The analysis showed that in the conditions of martial law they need to be improved. The purpose of these documents is the implementation of the state policy of Ukraine at the regional level in the field of environmental protection, preservation of biological and landscape diversity, increasing the share of nature reserves, creating an ecological network, and raising environmental awareness of the population. A detailed analysis of financial support showed that insufficient funds are directed to the implementation of environmental measures. The fact that up to 90 percent of funds are proposed to be allocated from the regional budget for three years of program implementation is indicative. Unfortunately, the allocation of funds from the local budget and the funds from the state budget are not foreseen, therefore there is an urgent need to expand sources of funding. It has been proven that the region is among the ten cleanest regions of Ukraine in terms of emissions into the atmosphere and has low environmental indicators compared to other regions of Ukraine. We believe that in order to improve the environmental condition, it is necessary to make changes in the regulatory and program documents in terms of expanding the sources of attracting funds at the expense of charitable contributions, including international grants. Two main ways of improving the environmental situation are identified, namely the development of ecological entrepreneurship and the strengthening of the ecological component in the activities of state authorities and local governments. We connect further research with modern approaches to the formation of environmental policy and the principles of socio-ecological and economic development.


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How to Cite
Slavkova, O., & Sykhostavets, A. (2022). TENDENCIES OF CHANGES IN THE ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: THE ROLE OF PUBLIC AUTHORITIES AND BUSINESS IN ITS IMPROVEMENT. Economy and Society, (41). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2022-41-10