Keywords: digital economy, digital platform, platformization, development, digital transformations, digital technologies, innovations


The article is devoted to topical issues of the development of the digital economy based on platformization. Its purpose is to study the economic essence, the features of platforms and the possibilities of using their potential for the development of the national economy in the context of digital transformations. Attention is focused on the global nature of platformization and the role of digital platforms in world markets. The approaches to the interpretation of the term «digital platform» are considered, the general characteristics that are inherent in this phenomenon and aimed at the development of the digital economy are highlighted. Special attention is paid to multilateral platforms. It is noted that they are much more complicated, but provide more scope for innovative development. Their characteristic features are highlighted. The main types of digital platforms depending on functional features (transactional, innovative, integrated, investment) are considered. It is noted that the spread of the platform business model has both positive and negative effects on the development of the economy. Positive effects from the spread of digital platforms have been noted. The problems associated with their use in Ukraine are investigated. It was noted that for the successful development of the digital economy and the introduction of digital platforms in the country, it is necessary to form and implement an appropriate state policy, which should be comprehensive and aimed at supporting digital transformations. The main priority directions for the development of the digital economy in Ukraine based on platformization have been formed. Namely: the formation of an appropriate regulatory framework taking into account the development of digital platforms and its harmonization with international standards; intensification of cooperation with the countries of the European Union; settlement of issues of personal data protection and consumer rights; stimulation of innovation activity in the digital development sector; support for the development of information and communication infrastructure; development of blockchain technology; introduction of new technologies in the field of cybersecurity and others.


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