Keywords: security, insurance, restaurant, hotel, tourism, hotel and restaurant business


The article is devoted to topical issues of determining the security and insurance of hotel and restaurant business enterprises, as well as tourism, which is a key issue in the process of forming, promoting and implementing tourist services, as well as hotel and restaurant services. The main challenges and security threats in the field of hospitality industry are considered. It has been established that the hospitality industry is a combination of various spheres of activity to achieve a single goal – to satisfy the tastes and preferences of customers, whether it is a hotel business, a restaurant business, or a tourist activity. Also, the hospitality industry can act as an independent and complex socio-economic system, it uses various resources for this, such as: material, financial, economic and labor. The great significance of the hospitality industry, namely, the business sector (hotel and restaurant business and tourism business enterprises) in the structure of the country's economy as a whole, has been established. The hospitality industry is an integral part of modern life, and its active development is facilitated by scientific and technical progress and people's desire for new things in travel, food, accommodation, and communication. Modern science considers the hospitality industry as a complex socio-economic system, possessing the most important properties that contribute to the social, economic and humanitarian function of the industry, which determines its role and place in the world system of social relations. It has been studied that security and insurance issues are very important for the development and functioning of the entire business. One of the key principles of providing services in this field is their comfort and safety, which allows to increase the flow of tourists and visitors using the services of the hospitality industry. The types of dangers that may arise in the hotel business, tourist activity and restaurant business are analyzed. The security system in the hotel and restaurant business includes many components, namely people (security service), and locks in halls and other premises, and safes that can be used by guests of the restaurant and hotel complex. Many also consider it a necessary measure to install a video surveillance system, although this sometimes causes disapproval from customers. The presence of a relationship between customer satisfaction with the quality of services and emotional and behavioral loyalty in the hotel and restaurant business was especially noted.


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How to Cite
Valinkevych, N., & Tyshchenko, S. (2022). ENSURING SECURITY AND INSURANCE OF HOTEL AND RESTAURANT BUSINESS ENTERPRISES. Economy and Society, (40). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2022-40-64