Keywords: digital transformations, marketing, marketing technologies, enterprise, digitalization, development, digital marketing


The purpose of the article is to study current trends in the development of marketing activities of enterprises in the context of digital transformations. The article is devoted to topical issues of researching modern trends in the development of marketing activities of enterprises, taking into account the latest digital achievements, which will increase the competitiveness of business entities and the national economy as a whole. Attention is focused on the fact that the marketing activities of enterprises should respond flexibly to the needs of society and use new digitalization opportunities for business development. On the basis of a systematic approach as the main method, the prerequisites of digital transformations that contribute to the transition of many types of business into an interactive space are investigated, and which must be taken into account when forming a marketing strategy. Attention is focused on the fact that digitalization processes have stimulated the introduction of innovations and changed approaches to the organization and management of marketing activities. The differences between digital and Internet marketing are marked. It is noted that bringing content to the consumer is carried out through appropriate channels using digital marketing tools. Attention is paid to the main such tools. Modern trends in the development of marketing activities of enterprises in countries with a high level of digitalization have been studied, which made it possible to identify developments of interest to domestic business. However, their implementation requires solving problems related to the digital security of personal data, the development of digital workspaces, system platforms, software and infrastructure. The main priority directions for the further development of marketing activities in Ukraine in the context of digital transformations are formulated. Namely: the formation of an appropriate regulatory framework; the development of digital infrastructure; the introduction of new technologies in the field of cybersecurity; increasing the level of trust of business process participants in digital transformations and public awareness, and others.


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