Keywords: digital competence, digital technologies, Digital Competence Framework for Citizens, requirements of employers, professional standards


This article aims to analyze the dynamics of development of the European Digital Competence Framework for Citizens (DigComp) and its adaptation to tthe Ukrainian realities for effective and safe use of information technologies in professional activities, as well as to determine the connections between digital competence and the modern labor market of Ukraine. Based on the DigComp, which is in a state of constant updating and adaptation to the national context, the content and components of digital competence are determined. Information literacy and data literacy; communication and collaboration, digital content creation; security; problem solving are presented as areas of digital competences application. The comparison of European and domestic description of digital competence allows determining differences between two approaches, including the number of competences, levels of mastering and examples. In the Ukrainian version, the block of examples is totally missing, while in European version it was enlarged in 2022 by 250 additional examples. Some compensation for this gap was offered by the working group of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine with the participation of representatives of National Qualifications Agency, which offered recommendations to the developers of professional standards regarding the formulation of digital competencies in such standards. The requirements for digital competence in the labor market, which can have a formal and informal nature, are outlined, with a specific focus on the agriculture sector, identifying the impact of new technologies on employment, changing the functionality of employees, and in-demand skills and professions. The institutionalized mechanisms of digital competences introduction into the labor market, such as professional standards, educational standards, and assessment standards have been identified.


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How to Cite
Semigina, T., & Fedyuk, V. (2022). DIGITAL COMPETENCE AS A LABOR MARKET REGULATION TOOL. Economy and Society, (40).