The article substantiates the expediency of transforming the existing system of economic stimulation of rational use and land protection into a modern system of economic stimulation of ecologically safe land use, which will take into account the existing European integration and decentralization challenges. It has been established that the range of tools for economic stimulation of ecologically safe land use is narrowed to some extent, which makes it impossible to use the financial potential of the natural resource sector to ensure full reproduction and restoration of land resource potential and greening of land use. It has been proven that the formation of a system of economic stimulation of ecologically safe land use requires taking into account a complex of exogenous and endogenous factors. Studies have shown that the main global and national institutional prerequisites for the formation of a modern system of economic stimulation of ecologically safe land use are: approval in 2021 of the New Climate Agreement; planned introduction of border carbon adjustment by the European Union; implementation of the Global Sustainable Development Goals and the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union; institutionalization of the agricultural land market; deregulation of land relations. It has been established that the benefits of the formation of a system of economic stimulation of ecologically safe land use consist in the restoration of traditional agricultural specialization, the observance of crop rotations, the reclamation of disturbed lands, the creation of protective forest strips, the increase in the level of forest cover, and the preservation of wetlands. It is substantiated that the formation of a modern system of economic stimulation of ecologically safe land use should provide for the institutionalization of the following priorities: the combination of economic development of land and resource potential with the implementation of land protection measures; overcoming monoculture and excessive chemicalization of agriculture; termination of unregulated renaturalization of agricultural land; restoration of parity between the areas of agricultural crops of the grain group and the areas of other crops; socially responsible consolidation of agricultural land in order to overcome the fragmentation and parceling of land uses; prevention of deflationary and erosive processes; restoration of traditional agricultural specialization; mass introduction of soil protection farming technologies; afforestation of unproductive and disturbed lands; ecological reengineering of lands disturbed as a result of military operations.
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