The article examines the peculiarities of international intellectual migration of highly qualified workers. The main directions and centers of attraction of migrants in the EU are analyzed. The factors influencing the international migration of highly qualified personnel are characterized, as the importance of international recruitment and their movement on a global scale is increasingly being realized. This occurs in the context of two fundamental and interrelated processes: the development of domestic labor markets by employers on the one hand, and the institutional framework by governments to facilitate global skills exchange on the other. Major flows of highly skilled workers reflect the global expansion of world trade, the international expansion of multinational corporations, and the activities of institutions such as governments and recruitment agencies. Empirical studies confirm a positive relationship between skilled labor flows and investment flows. Simplification of the permit system in different countries ensures freer intellectual migration. Intellectual international migration (IMM) on a global scale is expanding due to the technological development of internal regional and national labor markets, the improvement of institutions for regulating migration flows, the expansion of world trade, investments, the country's need for innovative development and the attraction of highly qualified specialists. Intellectual migrants ensure the development of the information economy, knowledge economy, digitization of various sectors, form industrial clusters, alliances, cooperation centers and agglomerations. In technologically and industrially developed countries, there is a trend towards the development of migration policy and talent attraction, where the USA and Canada have achieved the most notable successes. In contrast, the countries of Europe, due to a limited migration policy, are significantly inferior to the USA and Canada in terms of the number of highly qualified specialists involved, which affects the level of innovativeness of the economy and causes a structural shortage of labor in sectors that require specialists with advanced skills.
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