The article is devoted to revealing the essential characteristics of modern methods of assessing the effectiveness of business processes at retail enterprises and identifying the best among them for practical implementation in Ukraine. In order to achieve the goal, the conceptual categories of business processes, criteria for evaluating their effectiveness, and problematic aspects of classification were considered in the work based on a systematic approach. A comparative review of methods for assessing business processes made it possible to single out short-term and long-term methods – depending on the degree of changes and duration of use; analyze business processes by qualitative and quantitative indicators in their system unity. This made it possible to identify the advantages and disadvantages of the most common methods of assessing the effectiveness of business processes (according to qualitative indicators – SWOT analysis, analysis of process problems and process ranking, analysis of inputs and outputs, analysis of functions, analysis of resources, analysis of the process for compliance with typical and/or regulatory requirements; for quantitative indicators – simulation modeling, ABC analysis, analysis of process, product and customer satisfaction indicators) at retail enterprises. A review of other methods of assessing the effectiveness of business processes related to the system of balanced indicators (BSC), the express method of assessing business processes, assessing business processes by critical success factors, assessing the economic efficiency of business processes in terms of cost, time and quality, showed , on which principles, criteria and coefficients calculated by a special algorithm are based on these methodical approaches. Summarizing the results of the analysis of modern efficiency assessment methods, it is worth noting that specialists of retail trade enterprises, taking into account the positive and negative aspects of the existing methodical support, should implement the best method of assessing the efficiency of business processes, based on the peculiarities of the financial and economic activity of the enterprise. The perspective of further research is the activity in the direction of improving methodical support for assessing the effectiveness of business processes at enterprises of various branches of the economy.
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