Keywords: cash, cash flows, cash flow analysis, cash flow management


The article examines the organization of the company's cash flow analysis. It is noted that an important role is assigned to the analysis of cash flows, because it is impossible to effectively manage them without conducting a thorough assessment. The analysis is carried out, as a rule, on the basis of financial reporting, which makes it possible to assess the dynamics, structure of cash flows, their efficiency of use in the context of past events of the enterprise's economic activity. The analysis of cash flows of a business entity makes it possible to make absolutely reasonable forecasts for the future, work on the calculation of flows in the following periods, make management decisions in the current period, adjust the movement of cash flows at the enterprise based on deviations of the fact from the plan, etc. It has been proven that the effective performance of cash flow analysis tasks requires a clear organization of analytical work regarding their assessment. According to the results of the study, the main stages of analytical work on the assessment of cash and cash flows of the enterprise, which is aimed at ensuring effective management decision-making regarding these assets, are presented. It was determined that the evaluation of cash flows should be carried out in two directions: the analysis of absolute values of monetary indicators and the analysis of relative indicators of cash flows. An analysis of cash flows from various types of activities of LLC "Agrana Fruit Ukraine" was carried out. The relationship between the structure of cash flows and the quality of enterprise management was evaluated. A coefficient analysis of the company's cash flows was carried out. Based on the results of the analysis of cash flows of enterprises, it is possible to determine: from which sources and in what amount funds are received; directions of spending monetary resources; the ability of the enterprise to ensure the excess of income over payments; ability to meet current financial obligations; whether the amount of profit received is sufficient to meet the money needs; reasons for the difference between the amount of profit and free funds; the ability of the enterprise to carry out investment activities at the expense of its own funds, etc. Proposed measures at the enterprise to improve cash flow management.


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