Keywords: strategy, strategic management, region, regional development, strategic development


The regional economy in the conditions of Ukrainian-Russian wars suffered a lot of losses and it will be necessary to spend a lot of time and effort on its recovery, taking into account the massive infrastructural destructions and eliminations of basic industrial areas. The power structures of local, regional and state self-government must, for the sake of renewal to combine effort, develop a clear plan with tactical actions, which at the level of strategic approach will help in a prospect to revive the economy of regions, stabilize political and legal processes and will provide improving quality of life. Therefore, the primary purpose of scientific labour is research of role of strategic management at development of regions and ground of priority directions of their raising in modern terms. To achieve the goal, it is necessary to consider the essence of concept «strategic management», description of features of the strategic development of regions and their effective management, estimation of the state of the economy of regions and lineation of strategic an action in relation to a strategic management development of regions. The relevance of the research lies in the fact that strategic management, in the current conditions, helps to select basic priority directions and define the plan of actions, in relation to an effective management development of regions, and also helps to focus attention on such important components as economic and social development, political and legal processes, etc. For gaining end and put tasks for writing of the article the methods of theoretical research and analysis of the systems, on the basis of which generalized determination of concept «strategic management» and the basic tasks of strategic management development of regions are selected, were used. By an analysis and synthesis, the estimation of the state of basic important constituents of socio-economic potential of regions in the current conditions was carried out, on basis of which, using the method of generalization, the basic strategic actions of effective management of the development of regions were outlined and a general conclusion on the scientific research was developed. The results obtained during the research indicate that only at the successfully developed strategic approach to the management process, specification of approaches, to the revival of economies and determination of effective actions in the direction of strategic management of regional development will help both Ukraine and its regions to improve the socio-economic development.


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How to Cite
Zarichna, O. (2022). STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONS. Economy and Society, (39).