Keywords: sustainable tourism, cultural heritage, post-war restoration, memorialization


The crisis accompanying the tourism industry at the international level forces us to look for adequate tools for its solution. The problem is especially acute in Ukraine, where, in addition to the pandemic, full-scale hostilities have begun, accompanied by the destruction, destruction and theft of the historical and cultural heritage of the Ukrainian nation. The article is devoted to the topical issues of sustainable tourism as a tool for preserving cultural heritage and restoring affected areas. The purpose of the study is to update the content of the concept of sustainable tourism, and to substantiate the need for its implementation to preserve the cultural heritage and restore the affected territories of Ukraine. During the research, the following methods of qualitative, historical, statistical and graphic analysis, synthesis, and induction were used. In the course of the research: the updated content of the components of the concept of sustainable development of tourism was determined; specific examples of damaged cultural heritage on the territory of Ukraine were analyzed and systematized; the world experience and modern Ukrainian practice regarding the methods of storing cultural objects during hostilities and the organization of restoration work for the purpose of further memorialization were investigated. It was established that the largest share of damaged monuments is located in Kharkiv and Kyiv regions, and destroyed and destroyed – in Donetsk and Kharkiv regions. It is proposed to study the experience of other countries in the protection and preservation of monuments, to carry out monitoring of lost cultural resources and attempts to restore or return the looted heritage of the Ukrainian people. Real examples have proven that the concept of sustainable tourism in an updated interpretation should continue to be implemented on the territory of Ukraine, because the already demonstrated social responsibility of all stakeholders of the industry and their social dialogue at the international level will be a guarantee of the preservation and restoration of the national cultural heritage of Ukraine.


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