Keywords: marketing management, marketing communications, product management, functional management strategies, marketing service model


The relevance of the article is justified by the fact that in modern conditions of volatile economy economic relations in the modern market are dynamically developing and the structure of marketing environment is constantly becoming more complex. It requires from the enterprises of market type to organize management on the basis of the marketing concept. In this connection the urgency of search of basic directions of perfection of marketing management in strategic for Ukraine agroindustrial branch increases. The purpose of the article is to illuminate the peculiarities of marketing management and to suggest the main directions of its improvement in agro-industrial enterprises. The methodology of the research envisaged the use and analysis of statistical information of the set of enterprises of rural administrative district and monographic method in the study of the organization of marketing management in LLC "Starokozatsky Syrzavod". The applied aspects and peculiarities of the marketing management organization in agro-industrial enterprises are considered in the article. The functions of marketing department are covered on the example of cheese manufacturing dairy enterprises. The article deals with the main threats of external marketing environment, the assessment of the assets turnover and business activity of agro-industrial enterprises of the administrative region, the review of the main functional strategies of agro-industrial enterprise management in such segments as production, marketing, finances, personnel, organizational structure. The main directions of marketing activity of the enterprise are connected with expansion of the assortment of the cheese plant production and include expansion of an existing production line because of introduction of additional capacities of production, creation of new brand which will belong to premium segment of the market, differentiation of product line and achievement of satisfaction of requirements of a larger quantity of consumers. The purpose of improving the marketing management of the studied agro-industrial enterprise should be the creation of a balanced portfolio of cheese products in terms of maximizing sales in kind and in money terms. Practical significance of the article consists in substantiation of the main directions of marketing management improvement: implementation of product-management, which should be subordinated to the general marketing strategy of agro-industrial enterprises, and formation of product model of marketing service.


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