Keywords: labor market, region, cluster analysis, modeling, disproportion, demand, supply


The article is devoted to the study of the uneven development of regional labor markets, provoked by the existing disproportion between supply and demand for labor. The Ukrainian labor market is characterized by external labor and educational migration, an unfair wage system, lack of infrastructure, and undeveloped entrepreneurship. A significant range of problems significantly hamper its adaptation to new economic conditions makes it impossible to implement the experience of developed countries on the effective and rational combination of market and the government mechanisms for regulating relations in the labor market. Moreover, these negative trends are deepening at the regional level, which is also explained by the existing asymmetry and disproportion of the development of the country's territories, and significantly inhibits the development of regional labor markets. That is why it is important today to monitor and assess the current state of regional labor markets, their comparative analysis to reduce the uneven development of territories, and effective management of intra-regional disparities in the labor market of Ukraine. In the course of the research comparative analysis, statistical analysis, cluster method was used. The average monthly wage, the level of the economically active population, the unemployment rate, the workload of registered unemployed per vacancy, and the migration balance are a list of socio-economic indicators that characterize the current state of the labor market and provided a statistical basis for cluster analysis. As a result of the research, the regions of the country are grouped into homogeneous cluster formations and their complex characteristics are given. The fact of significant disproportion and asymmetry in the level of development of regional labor markets is emphasized. The migration of the regions of Ukraine between clusters in 2019 compared to 2010 is studied and the reasons that caused it are analyzed. The directions of development of regional labor markets in the context of decentralization, digitalization, and "Industry 4.0" are outlined. It is noted that the main vector of development in solving current problems should be innovative development, which provides comprehensive support for entrepreneurship development, development of extensive infrastructure of regions, reform of migration policy, wages system and education system according to the requests of the business community, efficient use of available resources and labor potential taking into account territorial specialization.


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