The article deals with the substantiation of the role of marketing innovations in the gastronomic tourism regional development, in particular on the example of Lviv region. Methods of analysis of literary sources, scientific synthesis and generalization, project, comparative and system-structural methods are used. Gastronomic tourism is a promising type of tourism activity, which uses the peculiarities of tourist nutrition not only as a basic element of providing services in the place of temporary stay, but also as a separate attractive component of destinations. Gastronomic tourism itself is an innovation for many countries and regions, but even in those territories where this branch of activity is not new, the problem of determining the directions of its innovative development is relevant. Innovative factors influencing the development of gastronomic tourism in the region include clusters, new projects, new technologies, environmentally friendly activities, conceptual institutions, social media marketing. Such marketing innovations in the regional development of gastronomic tourism as new projects, new technologies and marketing in social networks are described in detail. Examples of their successful implementation are given, in particular in Lviv region. Territorial branding is an important process involving various marketing innovations in the gastronomic tourism regional development. The gastronomic culture of the territories is naturally one of the most expressive aspects of destination branding, and has examples of successful use, particularly in Lviv. Marketing innovations in gastronomic tourism involve the creation of a new or update an existing gastronomic product and its promotion in the tourism market. The application of marketing innovations allows for the rapid development of gastronomic tourism, increasing the competitiveness of tourist regions, increasing demand, increasing sales of gastronomic products, meeting the diverse needs of consumers. Marketing innovations in the development of gastronomic tourism are especially relevant in the period of the tourism industry out of the crisis.
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