The article examines the essence and features of marketing product policy in crisis conditions. The scientific views of scientists on the essence of the concept of marketing product policy are studied. The author's definition of the essence of the concept of marketing commodity policy as an enterprise policy aimed at forming a set of marketing tools for the design and implementation of new types of goods, as well as a parallel study of all current production processes. In crisis conditions of management for the effective organization of marketing activities of the enterprise it is important to rationally build product policy, and in its implementation should be understood that the product occupies a key place in the marketing mix. Commodity policy is one of the leading links in the chain of sales of goods by commercial organizations and part of the marketing strategy. Marketing product policy is related to the practical implementation of the first element of the marketing complex - product (product). It involves solving problems related to what to produce, for whom to produce, in what form to produce, etc. The main feature of marketing product policy is its focus on meeting the needs of customers. Commodity policy plays a key role in the marketing of the enterprise and affects all areas of its activities. Increasing competition and increasing market saturation with a variety of products leads to the fact that practical marketing is increasingly concentrating efforts in the field of promotion, which, however, does not diminish the importance of decisions about the product, as the buyer consumes not the promise but the product. The degree of customer satisfaction ultimately depends on the consumer value of the product, effective as a result of product policy marketing decisions about the product determine the decisions in the field of segmentation, positioning, pricing, sales and promotion. The structural elements and key goals of the marketing product policy of the enterprise are studied. The article proves that the company must take into account the stages of marketing research, analyze consumer trends, agree on new strategic decisions, build marketing product policies based on value proposition and promotion of online shopping.
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