Keywords: capital, capitalization, liabilities, deposits, debt securities, deposit guarantee


Taking into account current situation in the world, related to the impact of the pandemic, which has become a challenge for many countries, as well as hostilities taking place in our country, it is important that the country's banking system continues to function effectively, because bank failure can cause serious harm to the economy they serve. The formation of the resource base is extremely important for the bank, because when it has optimally formed and balanced financial resources, it is able to serve its customers, invest, build its own reserves, maintain liquidity and this in turn affects the profitability and competitiveness of the bank. The purpose of the article is to study the state, problems and ways to improve the formation of financial resources of banks, taking into account current conditions in Ukraine. The comparative method was used to compare quantitative indicators in the dynamics. Economic analysis is used to systematically and comprehensively measure the impact of factors on banking resources. The classification method was used to distinguish the structure of capital, liabilities, deposits, debt securities of banks on various grounds. Mathematical statistics are used to quantify processes. The dynamics and structure of capital of banks are studied in the work. The dynamics and structure of liabilities are analyzed. The dynamics and structure of banks' deposit portfolio, which is the main type of attracted bank resources, are considered. The dynamics and structure of debt securities issued by the banks is investigated. It is determined that ensuring the stable operation of the banking system in the current conditions will depend on the implemented government policy on guaranteeing deposits, increasing capital of the banks in the best way for everyone, effective policy of attracting deposits, especially for more than 1 year, active introduction of innovative products, activization of issuance own debt securities, which will have additional benefits for clients related to the ability to maneuver resources.


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How to Cite
Krykhovetska, Z., & Kokhan, I. (2022). THE PROBLEMS AND WAYS OF IMPROVEMENT OF BANKS’ FINANCIAL RESOURCES FORMATION. Economy and Society, (39).