The basis of a new system, an alternative to the linear economy, may be a system based on waste design and expanded producer responsibility. The circular economy is a systematic approach to economic development designed to benefit business, society and the environment. The essence of the circular model of the economy is revealed and the main advantages due to its implementation in Ukraine are determined. The state of resource management in Ukraine and the EU, in particular waste, is analyzed. It is established that in the field of waste management Ukraine lags far behind developed European countries. The new EU policy and the policy of Ukraine in the field of circular economy are analyzed. Analysis of scientific achievements on the circular economy shows that there is such terminology: digital economy, green economy, closed cycle economy. The circular economy is a systematic approach to economic development aimed at benefiting business, society and the environment. Unlike linear models, the circular economy is regenerative in design and aims gradually reduce the effect of growth from consumption limited resources. There is a consensus scientists, politicians, economists, business and environmentalists that waste needs to be generated less, collect them separately and reuse as much as possible as raw material for processing plants to not to deplete the planet's natural resources, protect the environment and move to the economy closed loop. Accordingly, the circular approach involves systemic change enterprises, governments and individuals. Taking into account the best European practices, recommendations were given to Ukraine on the transition from a traditional (linear) economy to a circular economy. It is established that in general Ukraine's policy in the field of circular economy should be formed and implemented comprehensively in the context of global trends. Realizing the scale of the negative consequences of the existing model of economic development, it is necessary to move to a new modern environmentally friendly model of a green, circular economy.
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