Keywords: air pollution, biochar, bioethanol, autothermal pyrolysis, agricultural waste


Topicality of the article is determined by Ukraine`s international obligations on environmental protection and reduction of carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere. In Ukraine the losses from air pollution in 2020 amounted to 10.42 billion $ (US dollars) or 6.7 % of GDP (Gross domestic product). Every year 40,000 children die from air pollution with fine suspended particles before the age of five. Up to 83% of all emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere of Ukraine fall on the electricity sector from the combustion of all fuels. The urgency of the problem is even greater increased due to the necessity to replace fossil energy resources (coal, gas, oil) that previously came from Russia. This work shows that agricultural waste may be an inexhaustible cheap source for green renewable energy sources such as: bio oil, bioethanol, biogas and organic high quality fertilizer – biochar. Indicators of straw as a renewable resource allow the use of low-cost efficient technologies for its transformation into popular commercial products (biochar, bio oil, bioethanol, biogas). The use of biomass for the generation of heat and electricity actually means the onset of the fourth energy transition in Ukraine. The possibility of using exothermic heat of the pyrolysis process of agricultural waste makes this process economically more attractive and will facilitate its implementation. When using the proposed technologies all types of carbonaceous agricultural waste could be considered as unclaimed resource for decarbonization of the entire energy sector of Ukraine. The urgency of decarbonization of energy systems has increased since the entry into force of the Paris Climate Agreement in 2016. Decarbonization of the energy economy is a reduction in CO2 emissions per unit of energy produced. To implement this technology, it is necessary to develop a targeted program for decarbonization of Ukraine's energy sector based on the use of agricultural waste, and conduct the necessary additional research to improve the technology of production of hydrogen and second-generation bioethanol from agricultural waste.


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How to Cite
Krutoholova, I., & Braverman, V. (2022). ECONOMICAL & ECOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF DECARBONIZATION OF THE ENERGY INDUSTRY. Economy and Society, (38).