It was established that the quality of educational services from the standpoint of educational institutions (suppliers) is defined as: constant monitoring of needs in the market of educational services; timely assessment of the need for educational service; the necessary segment of the market of educational service selection; availability and completeness of information about the quality of educational services of competitors; service components selection. The definition of «marketing management in the field of educational services» was formulated. It was established that the management of the knowledge marketing complex can be carried out using the functions: forecasting and planning, organization, motivation and control. The purpose of the knowledge marketing complex is: 1) ensuring marketing policies (product; pricing; communication; promotion; economic and social); 2) using the types of marketing (education marketing; educational services marketing; educational services and educational institutions logistics; workforce and working places marketing; intellectual products and services marketing; organizational capital marketing); 3) using the knowledge management functions (practical information; knowledge sources searching and their development; using, creation and accumulation of knowledge; spreading, recording and storage of knowledge; studying in the company). The chain of creation the value of educational services using marketing tools was formulated. The structure of product policy of a modern educational institution in Ukraine was formed. It includes: a proposal on the form of a set of educational service (educational programs; technologies and teaching methods; material and technical support; system of competencies of graduates, partners and stakeholders; organizational culture) and other scientific and technical services and scientific and practical activities at the request of potential consumers; the demand of the population which is regulated, on the one hand by educational institutions through admission rules and requirements for the level of knowledge of entrants, and on the other – by the state in the form of certain encourages of population to choose certain specialties and professions, which are in priority for the national economy development.
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