Keywords: process, business process, principles, methods, process approach, indicator, efficiency


This article is concerned with origin, implementation and application of the process approach to the management of a modern enterprise. The definnition of the "process approach" is investigated by authors. The stages of development of the process approch are defined. The principles and tasks of the process approach were analyzed in the article. The key elements of the process approach were listed in the article, which are nessesary to enterprise management. The definition of "process" and "business process" are presented. There were presented the classification of business processes and their role in the functioning of a modern enterprise is given. The key business processes of the enterprise and methods of evaluating the effectiveness of business processes are described. The article defines advantages and disadvantages of process approach to enterprise management. As results of investigation we need to make a conclusion that the terminology of the process approach is quite diverse and has not yet found a single unifying interpretation. The concept of «business processes» can be interpreted as a system of consistent, connected, continuous and controlled activities, which focuses on achieving a specific mission and ensures productivity and efficiency of the enterprise. The principles of the process approach to management determine the basic rules by which you can organize the effective functioning of the enterprise. Evaluation the effectiveness of business processes is possible with the help of quantitative and qualitative methods. Process-oriented approach to management of the enterprise involves: enterprise activity planning; determining the interaction between enterprise processes; responsibility and authority of process owners; the order of operation of each individual process and the system of processes as a whole; assessment of the effectiveness and efficiency of the enterprise on the indicators of process efficiency; evaluation of performance and management decisions to achieve targets.


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How to Cite
Kozenkov, D., Aloshyna, T., & Haiduk, I. (2022). PROCESS APPROACH TO ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT. Economy and Society, (38).