Keywords: business, social networks, influencer, marketing, brand, communications, digital market


Ukrainian and foreign companies run their pages on social networks, and some of them attract influencers (opinion leaders). The article is devoted to the characteristics of influenza as a tool for e-business development. It is determined that influencers are thought leaders, bloggers, and experts who have an active audience in the media space, and their content motivates and inspires, so they work with different companies to solve problems. Increasing the loyalty of the target audience and the recognizability of the product, and brand. Its main feature is a reliable and trusting relationship with its active audience. The main criteria for the success of such an agent of influence - his opinion must be listened to; carries clear and positive values; honesty; responsibility; high efficiency. The article presents the main types of influencers, as only the correctly selected segment can solve the specific goals of the company, which it plans to achieve through their involvement. Ukraine has its digital market, so the cost of domestic influencers differs from foreign ones. The article presents the cost and features of advertising services of influencers depending on the size of the audience on social networks Instagram and YouTube. The main factors that determine the cost of these services in the Ukrainian digital market are the quantity and quality of the audience; reputation as an opinion leader; number, format, and subject of posts; the name and size of the brand or trademark. The article presents an updated rating of Ukrainian influencers on Instagram for September 2021. The brightest examples of how collaboration with an opinion leader has grown into a brand embassy are presented. The role of influencers in the development of e-business based on marketing research of international agencies is substantiated. And despite some adjustments in the forecasts caused by the economic situation due to COVID-19 and the martial law in our country, influencers are trusted by millions of people, thousands of users listen to their recommendations, and campaigns involving them are much more effective. Thus, the influencer is a modern and priority channel of promotion in marketing and a tool for e-business development.


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How to Cite
HorobchenkoО. (2022). INFLUENZA AS A TOOL OF E-BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT. Economy and Society, (38).