Keywords: tourism activities, tourism infrastructure enterprises, intellectual capital, formation and development, competitiveness


The article is devoted to relevant issues of formation and development of intellectual capital of enterprises that constitute the tourism infrastructure. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the directions and means of formation and development of intellectual capital of the tourism infrastructure enterprises. The author's description of the concept and structure of intellectual capital of an enterprise is given. It is established that intellectual capital of the tourism infrastructure enterprises comprises such basic elements as, first, the company's staff (and their competence characteristics) able to accumulate and generate intellectual creativity, create and commercialize innovations and implement their results in economic practice to form modern logistical and information-technological support for business processes; secondly, the provision of the enterprise with modern equipment and technologies, information, infrastructure for innovation and intellectual-creative activities; thirdly, the extent and effectiveness of the combination of factors of labor and intelligence. It is proved that intellectual capital is a dynamic concept and is close to the intellectual potential. The composition of the tourism infrastructure entities involves tourism companies, accommodation facilities, food facilities, accompanying and communication facilities providing transport, trade, cultural, educational, sports and other services to meet the needs of tourists. The relevance of the formation and use of intellectual capital of the tourism infrastructure enterprises is substantiated. In the current research, the scientific methods of strategic management (for constituting the bases for structuring the purposes of improvement of intellectual capital of the tourism infrastructure enterprises) and the system approach (to substantiation of priorities and tools for improvement of intellectual capital of the tourism infrastructure entities) are applied. The means of formation of intellectual capital of the tourism infrastructure enterprises are determined. Further scientific research in this area concerns the substantiation of economic and mathematical models of intellectual capital using. The practical significance of the research results concerns the ways to increase intellectual capital of the tourism infrastructure and strengthen both the competitiveness and overall economic potential of tourism in Ukraine, which also has a major social effect in meeting the needs of consumers in tourism and recreation services.


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