Keywords: innovation, creative approach, management, management solution, Quality Management, entrepreneurship


Socio-ecological transformations of the socio-economic system, including as a result of the manifestation of the next stage of industrialization. The exclusive role, at the same time, belongs to human capital, thanks to which changes are implemented, for which they are directed and initiated. The lack of a systematic approach to management, insufficient level of cooperation, partnership, integration and interaction in the integral structure of "business – state – society" cause conflicts. The situation is also aggravated by the simultaneous manifestation of opposite processes: the desire of businesses to reduce transaction costs, including through the introduction of technological innovations and, as a result, the release of employees, as well as an increase in unemployment and increased inequality between social groups. The need to overcome these problems and the search for long-term effective management solutions revealed a qualitative component in their basis. In view of this, the key condition for quality management is a worldview-process approach. The practical implementation of this approach at its highest level has found its manifestation in the activities of Family Homestead Settlements. Family Homesteads purposeful communities focused on communication, cooperation and holistic integration of human activities into the environment. The source of forming a model of a sustainable, capable lifestyle and consumption based on the principle of reasonable sufficiency. Such people lead a sustainable lifestyle in communities, solve consumption problems using various strategies and behaviors that reduce the anthropogenic burden on the environment and future generations. The complexity of this phenomenon is reflected in the richness of the collected source data. The results obtained demonstrate the system of communication, production and from the point of view of developing the permaculture system and developing alternative settlements as a consequence of the transformation of public life with the predominance of environmental and social priorities. The focus on Sustainable Development, the use of renewable energy sources, waste-free living and noospheric approaches in education and upbringing, both in theory and in practice, is clearly a trend of our time. It is based on the idea of conscious consumption, individual responsibility for the future of the planet, and the Prevention of exceptional materialism as a way of life. modern trends in society provoke the process of rethinking life in a multi-vector manifestation and in the long term. Family Homestead and ecological settlements evaluate their own activities based on the anthropogenic impact on the environment, without allowing a decrease in its potential and productivity. The existing international experience demonstrates the priority of national and supranational environmental and social policies. Numerous grant programs, state budget funds and local finances are designed to form the foundations of the local economy, create conditions for national identity, reassess the concept of "needs", consumption practices and life priorities. Answering certain aspects of social life our research leaves questions about the motives for the emergence of the movement for ecological and Family Homestead settlements? Is this model of society viable and capable of ensuring sustainable consumption? Is it possible to extend this experience to all social strata?


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Ovdiyuk, O., & Plotnikova, M. (2022). Q-MANAGEMENT OF MANAGEMENT DECISIONS IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND TERRITORIAL DEVELOPMENT. Economy and Society, (38). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2022-38-63