Keywords: digitalization, digital transformation, personnel management, digital technologies


The globalization processes taking place in modern society and the processes of digitalization in enterprises form new requirements for the principles of functioning and development of any industry, especially in economics and management. The development of technologies, multiple acceleration of processes and their automation require constant development and integration of modern digital technologies into society. Especially relevant in the modern conditions of globalization, digitalization and increased competition is the transition to digital activities of enterprises and the introduction of digital innovations in the practice of personnel management, which ensures the effective work of employees with high productivity. Moreover, in the context of globalization is impact of information technology on the level of efficiency of enterprise management, as well as on the attractiveness for investors and customer awareness of the purchase of goods or services. In modern conditions, the company pays special attention to information technologies, increasing the success of its functioning, and the availability of a better electronic data exchange system becomes the basis of its competitiveness. The article focuses on the importance of personnel in the digital development of the enterprise, as well as the role of the use of information and digital technologies in the personnel management systems. The article analyzes and defines the concepts of digital management, digitalization process, and modern functions of personnel management, tasks and manifestations of digitalization in the enterprise. In addition, manifestations and trends of digitalization in the labor market were identified. The article finds that financial performance indicators depend on the use of digital technology and new management techniques together or separately. Also in the material states that ignoring the digital transformation of the personnel system of the organization leads to lower profits compared to digital competitors. The research findings show that digitalization at the enterprise involves not only the installation of software, but also trends to changes in management.


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How to Cite
Litorovych, A. (2022). FEATURES OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT IN THE CONDITION OF DIGITALIZATION. Economy and Society, (38). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2022-38-34