Keywords: income laundering, bankruptcy, money, legalization, shadow economy, insolvency, financial condition, financial monitoring, money laundering, corruption


The article examines the system of financial monitoring in Ukraine, which is built to combat money laundering and terrorist financing. Schemes of money laundering and their impact on the current state of development of individual businesses and the national economy as a whole are considered. Combating money laundering and terrorist financing requires improved classification of typical, non-standard schemes and methods of their detection and prevention. Directions for improving public administration in the field of combating money laundering in accordance with international experience and the requirements of regulations of international organizations are proposed. After analyzing all interpretations of the definitions of various authors, you can determine your own definition The national financial monitoring system includes two levels – primary and state, as well as the relevant subsystems of financial monitoring: internal and administrative monitoring. The development of financial monitoring activities in Ukraine has covered virtually all enterprises, organizations, etc. that provide financial services and involves close cooperation between various ministries and agencies. Each of the aforementioned organizations has played a significant and statutory role in a single system to combat money laundering. In general, this system should be considered as a set of forms and methods of relationships that arise when conducting financial transactions by clients through financial institutions, taking into account their statutory responsibilities to ensure measures to fully and timely prevent and combat legalization (laundering) of proceeds of crime and financing of terrorism, taking into account the world's leading trends in the field of methods and techniques of money laundering, as well as the collection, processing and analysis of information and its transfer to specialized government agencies, which, in turn, verify the legality of such operations and verify sources the origin of customer income, as well as the consistent economic and social development of society and the fight against socially dangerous phenomena.


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