The article is devoted to topical issues of studying the state of world trade in dairy products, features and trends of the world market, forecasts and prospects. This will help to make the most of the opportunities of regional markets and create rational solutions at the level of local producers. Dairy products are a socially significant category of goods. People drink milk and regularly prepare from it in fairly large quantities. However, goods in this category are rapidly becoming more expensive and incomes are declining. Against this background, it is difficult to expect an increase in consumer demand. However, most players in the dairy market and natural dairy products see prospects for the development of the dairy industry, especially given the social trends towards a healthy lifestyle. The dairy industry is heavily influenced by society. Meeting the needs of society means not only opening up potential opportunities, but also withstanding serious challenges. The dairy sector faces several controversial challenges. On the one hand, it is necessary to optimize milk productivity, ensuring the profitability of the business. On the other hand, it is necessary to provide end consumers with quality and safe natural dairy products obtained in compliance with environmental conditions. The dairy sector, which is the raw material base for the dairy industry, is responsible for 2.2% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Emissions are declining over the years, but overall emissions are rising. This is mainly due to lower productivity of small farms in developing countries, which account for 75% of global emissions from dairy farming. Accordingly, the growing demand and production of dairy products, this trend will only intensify in the future. It is important to set the right priorities and create synergies, not conflicting goals, such as food security and free access to natural dairy (animal) products. The importance of the dairy sector and dairy products as a food industry is undeniable. Ukraine has significant potential for the development of the dairy industry and a strong exporter of dairy products. However, every year, it demonstrates indicators that show increasing dependence on imports in the dairy sector. Unfortunately, according to many experts, Ukraine will import more dairy products than export in milk equivalent.
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