Keywords: innovative infrastructure, innovative model of development, economic growth, technological parks


This article deals with the problem of the essence of technoparks as one of the main forms of innovative infrastructure formations. The classification of technoparks is provided, the analysis of existing theoretical provisions on the definition and views on the role of technological parks in innovative infrastructure is analyzed. There are no logical parks in existing minds of innovative infrastructure development in Ukraine. It is justifiable that technoparks should be one of the most important elements of the innovative infrastructure that combines scientific achievements and production and gives impetus to further economic development. It is justified that, in order to create an innovative economy, technology parks should contribute to the transition to a new technological framework, accelerate the process of commercialization of the achievements of the innovative sphere, contribute to greater efficiency of enterprises both medium and large businesses. In technological parks as special structures focused on the development of technologies in the country and the creation of science-intensive products, a significant scientific potential is concentrated, which makes them a certain catalyst for the development of the economy and a factor that should contribute to the development of the science-intensive sector of the country's industry and form prerequisites for the transition of the country's national economy to a new technological way. The classification of technoparks is provided, which allows determining the place and role of each type technological park in innovative infrastructure, identify goals and tasks, improve mechanisms of their functioning depending on the chosen model and type. Attention is focused on the fact that the process of creating technological parks during the transition to innovative type of economy in highly developed countries of the world took place in the conditions of globalization of the world economy, increasing international competition, the use of the latest technologies in production competitive products. World experience allows Ukraine to pass the workshop at an accelerated pace the way to create an effective innovative infrastructure.


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KovalenkoО. (2022). TECHNOLOGY PARKS: ESSENCE, CLASSIFICATION. Economy and Society, (38).