Keywords: bleisure, bleisure travelers, bleisure tourism, hotel business, hotel service, development prospects


This study aims to better understand the concepts of "bleisure-travel" and "bleisure-tourist", defining the list of hotel services and the features of "bleisure-tourist" service in hotel enterprises. The research methods used in the process of working on the publication, involves a theoretical analysis of articles in international publications on economics and tourism in the selection of information for writing the article; synthesis to summarize the experience of hotel companies in working with "bleisure tourists"; induction and deduction in considering the main factors influencing the decision to rest during a work trip, the reasons for implementing "bleisure-travel" and determining the directions of hotel activities to attract businesses bleisure-tourists; generalization in writing the conclusions of the article. The article is devoted to the study of current issues of the hotel industry, namely the emergence of such concepts as "bleisure-travel" and "bleisure-tourist" in the tourism and hotel industry and their influence on the formation of the modern format of the hotel product. As the number of bleisure-tourists increases due to increased demand for distant work, research of the phenomenon of individuals combining vacations with professional business commitments abroad, and identifying opportunities for hoteliers who want to host bleisure-tourists, becomes relevant. The origin of the terms is analyzed and their definition is given. The concept of "bleisure travel" means traveling for the purpose of work, as well as taking time out to relax or get to know the place where you are staying. In turn, a bleisure-tourist is a person who combines a business trip, work and leisure. The reasons for business travelers to choose this type of tourism and the main factors influencing the decision to rest during a business trip are indicated. It is noted that having an interesting place to travel to, minimal additional costs associated with extending the trip, the proximity of the trip to the weekend increase the likelihood of organizing the trip. The needs of bleisure-tourists influencing the formation of a set of hotel services for this type of tourists and the peculiarities of their service in the hotel enterprises. The examples of programs for attracting bleisure-tourists by hotel enterprises are presented. The directions of hotel activities for attracting bleisure-tourists are defined. The practical significance of the work lies in the fact that the results can be used by the hotel industry to expand the range of hotel services and to attract this type of travelers, as bleisure-tourists.


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